mardi 26 octobre 2010

lundi 25 octobre 2010


The session is a little over halfway done, so I figured I would post a few things i've drawn since the start of the year.

mercredi 20 octobre 2010


I adventured into photoshop not too long ago. The results are mediocre but I am positive that they will get better in time. But for now this is what I made using the schools ''syntech?'' screen/wacom tablet. It was amazingly fun.

No homework

This is just the stuff I draw to practice my skills to hopefully become better especially when it comes to my line quality.

So far...

I don't have much to share at the moment. But what i do have is the portfolio that got me in the program. I love to explore into ''uncharted waters'' so hopefully you'll see a variation of style in the upcoming posts.